Mon. - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m.
(360) 387-0222

Plans are underway for our largest fundraiser of the year, our 15th Annual Auction – “Come Sail Away”

Things will look a bit different this year! We are planning an online super silent auction (filled with trips, art, gift baskets, gift certificates and more!) as well as an in person premier preview cocktail party so you can view all the items in the auction before you begin bidding online. Our online auction will open the evening of September 25, 2021, and close on September 29, 2021. The preview party will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 4:30pm – 6:30pm at the Camano Center. Tickets will go on sale the end of August! Save the date, and watch our website – . Here is where you will find links to ticket sales, as well as to our online auction website as we get closer to the event.

If you are interesting in becoming a sponsor, please find our sponsorship for here.

If you would like to provide a donation to our online auction, please find our donation form here.

If you can shop at our local businesses and donate items you’ve purchased for our auction (baskets, gift cards, etc.) this would help both the small businesses and us! We are also seeking trips or experiences that we’ve missed being able to do this past year (air fare, timeshares, VRBOs, sports adventures, etc.)

Although closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Camano Center has been continuously working behind the scenes with very limited staff to fulfill our most essential services for our at-risk population. We continue to coordinate Medical Rides, Meals on Wheels three times weekly, Medical Lending Closet, Lending Library, managed a new Grocery Delivery Program with the Camano Plaza IGA for months until spring 2021. We continue daily Well Check Calls to our Camano Connections clients, ensuring our Disaster Registry Clients have a volunteer neighbor to check in on them, and being available on the phone as a resource. We were also very proud to host the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic with Camano Island Fire & Rescue, helping hundreds of seniors navigate around the technology at the utmost critical time to receive a vaccine appointment – and had over 12,500 people come through our doors to be vaccinated!

When we get back to business as usual, we will again offer our Essentials Shopping trips to those who cannot drive, Adult Day Program, and much more. We look forward to hosting a variety of classes, charters, support/interest groups such as writers, handcrafters, quilters, art, and culinary arts, for the entire community. A broad variety of community-enhancing events like the Women’s Expo, Collectors Car Show, Bingo nights, and 55+ Resource Fair and Afternoon with Santa are also enjoyed by thousands of Camano and Stanwood area residents and visitors.  Because of generous donations and sponsors, the Center has become an integral part of the community.

Don’t forget to also visit our 2nd Chance Thrift Shop, now open Friday and Saturday’s 10am – 4pm. Also taking donations during those times of gently used (or new!) items .

The Camano Center’s mission is to connect, enrich, and support our community.  The Camano Center serves a vital role for our small island, not only in the services we provide to help our elderly population age in place, but also as a place for culture, education, socialization, support, music, art, entertainment, cuisine, family, and friendship.

We are a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization; thus any donation would be tax deductible using our tax ID number  91-1172309. We thank you for your consideration and support!

Cindy Hand
Auction Coordinator

The Camano Center and 2nd Chance Thrift Shop are owned and operated by Camano Senior Services Association, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID 91-1172309

Find Us

Camano Center
606 Arrowhead Road

Camano Island, WA 98282
(Map It)

Monday through Friday

8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Thrift Shop

2nd Chance Thrift Shop
1335 State Route 532

Camano Island, WA 98282
(360) 629-6142
(Map It)

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

DONATION HOURS: Thursday-Saturday (No Wednesdays) 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
© Copyright 2025 Camano Center • All Rights Reserved
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